Dog Waste Removal Facts & Myths
Dog Waste Is Good Fertilizer
No. Contrary to belief, dog poop or waste is NOT a good fertilizer. As a matter of fact, dog waste is very high in nitrogen and salts which can burn your lawn. Dog waste also attracts flies, which transmit disease. Dog poop or waste itself can also be a vector for transmitting certain disease, between dogs and people (Salmonella, Campylobacter, Roundworms, and Hookworms.)
My Lawn Mower Will Chop-up the Dog Poop
Sometimes it can, but not always. More times than not, the dog poop is not high enough for the blades to cut it and you wind up stepping on it, or running it over with the wheels on your lawn mower. This just pushes the poop further in to the ground.
Rain Will Wash the Dog Waste Away
As long as the dog waste it not solid, then yes. Otherwise, rain will not wash the dog waste away. In solid form, the dog waste can withstand numerous weeks of down pours.
Dog Waste Removal Facts and Myths
Per the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), pet waste can spread diseases from animals to humans, which is called Zoonoses. When dog waste becomes infected and lands on your lawn, the eggs of certain roundworms and other parasites can linger in your soil for years. Any human or animal that encounters your infected soil runs the risk of coming into contact with those eggs, especially your dog.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has deemed pet waste a "non-point source of pollution." This basically means, pet waste is in the same category as oil, and toxic chemicals. Also, the decay of your pet's waste actually creates nutrients for weeds and algae that grow in our waterways. This can result in limiting the amount of light which can penetrate the water's surface. Thus, oxygen levels in the water decrease and fish will die.
Dog Waste Removal is Essential
If you do not remove dog poop from your lawn, you run the risk of carrying the following hazardous bacteria and parasites on your lawn:
If you become infected by one of these, symptoms may include fever, muscle aches, headache, vomiting, and diarrhea. Children are definitely more susceptible as they often play in the dirt and put things in their mouths.
Tired of Seeing Yellow Patches On Your Lawn?
The cause of this could be because of your dog's bathroom habits. Check out these remedies below to help cure it:
Train your dog to use a non-grass area in the landscape, such as mulch, or gravel. If you are okay with some spotting on the lawn, then select a specific location and train your dog to go there.
Increase water consumption with your dog. It will dilute the urine, reducing the potential for a discolored lawn.
Feed your dog with a high-quality diet. This may help since the protein is more digestible and there are fewer waste products.
Water your lawn more frequently. This will also help dilute the urine.